We offer all cleaning tasks including:
We offer a two-step cleaning/disinfecting process, this is recommended by the CDC and EPA. According to a publication on the EPA's website it is recommended to clean first before you disinfect. It states: "Germs can hide underneath dirt and other material on surfaces where they are not affected by the disinfectant. Dirt and organic material can also reduce the germ-killing ability of some disinfectants."
According to the CDC, "COVID-19 is mostly spread by respiratory droplets released when people talk, cough, or sneeze". Due to this fact, it is imperative to not only disinfect surfaces but also disinfect the air around you. According to a WHO scientific brief: "Respiratory droplets are >5-10 μm in diameter whereas droplets <5μm in diameter are referred to as droplet nuclei or aerosols.(11) Respiratory droplet transmission can occur when a person is in close contact (within 1 metre) with an infected person who has respiratory symptoms (e.g. coughing or sneezing) or who is talking or singing; in these circumstances, respiratory droplets that include virus can reach the mouth, nose or eyes of a susceptible person and can result in infection." Also in a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, it was found that in certain conditions, the droplets from coughing and sneezing can travel up to 26 feet, in what's referred to as "turbulent gas clouds". Because of this, we utilize a ULV Fogging machine that is adjustable from 0-50 μm(microns) and has a spray distance of up to 20 feet. Our fogging service will not only help reduce any viral outbreaks, but also removes odor causing bacteria leaving behind a fresh clean scent.
In accordance with CDC's COVID-19 hard surface disinfection recommendations, we make sure to disinfect all frequently touched surfaces and objects that need routine disinfection including the following: